January Home Maintenance Checklist


1. Clean Refrigerator Filters

How: Locate the air filter compartment, typically located inside the fridge or on the front grill. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for replacement.

Why: Fresh filters help maintain clean and odor-free air inside the refrigerator, ensuring optimal food storage conditions and preventing the refrigerator from overworking.


2. Replace Refrigerator Water Filters

How: Follow the refrigerator’s user manual to locate and replace the water filter. Typically, it involves turning off the water supply, removing the old filter, and inserting the new one.

Why: Regular replacement ensures clean and safe drinking water, as well as efficient water flow through the dispenser.


3. Degrease Vent Hood:

How: Remove the vent hood filters and soak them in a degreasing solution. Clean the interior surfaces using a degreaser, and wipe down any exposed surfaces.

Why: Removing grease buildup improves ventilation, prevents potential fire hazards, and helps the hood function efficiently.


4. Oil Garage Door Rollers, Springs, and Bearings:

How: Apply a lubricant, such as a silicone-based one, to the rollers, springs, and bearings. Be sure to wipe off any excess.

Why: Lubrication reduces friction, noise, and wear, prolonging the life of these components and ensuring smooth garage door operation.


5. Furnace Check: Connections, Emergency Shut Off, Exhaust:

How: Inspect all electrical and gas connections, ensure the emergency shut-off is functional, and check the exhaust system for any blockages or leaks. If unfamiliar, consider hiring a professional.

Why: A thorough furnace check ensures safe and efficient heating during the winter months, preventing potential hazards.


6. HVAC Treat Condensate Line:

How: Use Vinegar to prevent clogs and the growth of mold or algae.

Why: Clear condensate lines maintain proper drainage, preventing water damage and maintaining the HVAC system’s efficiency.


7. Check for Pests or Signs of Infestation, Especially in Attics and Basements

How: Regularly check dark and hidden areas for signs of pests, such as droppings, gnaw marks, or nests. Indicators of pest activity include droppings, scratch marks, unpleasant odors, and damaged HVAC ducting.

Why: Early detection allows for prompt pest control measures, preventing damage to your home.

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HomePoint emerges as a groundbreaking solution to the complexities of homeownership. Founded to revolutionize the traditional home maintenance model, we offer a comprehensive, concierge-style service tailored for your exquisite home.

HomePoint was born from a vision to alleviate the common frustrations of home maintenance – the time-consuming management of projects, the uncertainty of finding reliable help, and the worry of overpriced services. We stand as your reliable, knowledgeable ally, dedicated to caring for your home with the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.

Our ethos revolves around a proactive approach to home maintenance. Through our annual service, we conduct an extensive Home Physical, utilizing advanced technology to meticulously assess your home from top to bottom. This detailed inspection results in a strategic, digital home health report, guiding the upkeep and enhancement of your home.

HomePoint is driven by core values of Integrity, Professionalism, Humility, Service, and Initiative. Our team comprises skilled professionals, including military veterans, who bring unparalleled discipline and commitment to their work.